Excel for experts – Troubleshooting and Common Mistakes
Number of participants:
4 - 12 persons
1 day / 8 hours
Upon request

Course type:
Course intended for:
Course information:
This course contains a selection of typical mistakes that we have often dealt with in companies since 1998 and there is a high probability that you are also facing them now or in the future.
- Custom special cell formats
- Cell styles – built-in and custom
- Absolute and relative cell addresses
- Graphical editing of tables for better user orientation
- Advanced work with graphs
- Insert differently – different options for inserting the contents of the clipboard
- Use of different functions and their combinations
- Conditional sums and counts
- Search function, conditional formatting
- Working with indirect links
- Working with dynamic links to different areas
- Creating named areas
- Linking multiple sheets and workbooks
- Verification of cell inputs and setting criteria
- Locking formulas, sheets and workbooks
- Advanced work with contingency tables
- Shared workbooks, data import from external sources
- Compatibility with older versions of Excel
COURSE APPLICATION - Excel for Experts: Troubleshooting and Common Mistakes
Kód kurzu:
Datum konání:
Čas konání:
Course Application
"*" indicates required fields

Safety Management / Basics of OSH System
Introduction to the basic concepts of OHS in terms of setting up a safety system/process.
Course date:
1 day / 8 hours
4,340 CZK + VAT
Management Skills: 5-Day Course
Development of soft and management skills. Emphasis will be placed on the transfer of acquired knowledge into practice.
02.10.2024, 03.10.2024, 12.11.2024, 13.11.2024, 03.12.2024,
Course date:
2.-3.10., 12.-13.11.2024, 3.12.2024
5 days / 40 hours
27,220 CZK + VAT
ČSN EN ISO 14001 – Introduction to the Standard
The ISO 14001 standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS). The basic content of the standard is environmental protection and pollution prevention.
Course date:
1 day / 8 hours
4,340 CZK + VAT