Management skills

Development of soft and managerial skills. Emphasis will be placed on the transfer of acquired knowledge into practice.

Number of participants:

4-12 persons


5 days / 40 hours


Upon request


Course type:

In-person / in-house

Course intended for:

Course information:

You will understand your role as a leader and learn how to motivate and manage your subordinates or colleagues. You will understand the delegation process and its principles. You will learn how to take responsibility for your work, motivate teamwork and learn how to prevent conflicts.


  • Role of the leader, basics of management
  • Communication, resolution and conflict prevention (Part 1)
  • Communication, resolution and conflict prevention (Part 2)
  • Leadership and employee motivation
  • Moderation of meetings, teamwork

Course plan

  • Day 1 – Role of the leader, basics of management
  • Day 2 – Communication, resolution and conflict prevention (Part 1)
  • Day 3 – Communication, resolution and conflict prevention (Part 2)
  • Day 4 – Leadership and employee motivation
  • Day 5 – Moderation of meetings, teamwork

REQUEST FOR COURSE - Management Skills

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Are you interested in our services? Contact us.

Tereza Berg
Tereza Bergr

Project coordinator


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